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Lectionary Reflection Year C - The First Sunday of Christmas Year C
Lectionary Reflection Year C - The First Sunday of Christmas Year C
by SPCK - Jane Williams
The First Sunday of Christmas 1 Samuel 2.18–20, 26 Colossians 3.12–17 Luke 2.41–52 To get the full picture of what is going on in the reading from 1 Samuel, we really need the verses that the lectionary chooses to leave out. The story is actually about different kinds of sonship.
Lectionary Reflection Year C - The Second Sunday of Christmas Year C
Lectionary Reflection Year C - The Second Sunday of Christmas Year C
by SPCK - Jane Williams
The Second Sunday of Christmas Jeremiah 31.7–14 Ephesians 1.3–14 John 1.10–18 What is grace? Both John and Ephesians have the word more than once. It’s a word that we use quite frequently in Christian circles. Most meetings I go to, you know when they’ve ended because someone say
Poem: The wisdom of women: discernment of thought
Poem: The wisdom of women: discernment of thought
by Andrew Pratt
The wisdom of women: discernment of thought, with love's intuition that cannot be bought; how long will we limit these God given gifts while fudging church unity, fearful of rifts? All people are worthy and all have a place, all people are gifted with God-given grace, yet barrier
Poem: A sacramental union
Poem: A sacramental union
by Andrew Pratt
Poem: A sacramental union A sacramental union that none can put apart, and those who sought to fudge the law, were challenged from the start. The Pharisees were undermined, the laws would stay in place, with subtle ways of subterfuge destroyed without a trace. Continues... © Andr
This day we remember the passage to freedom
This day we remember the passage to freedom
by Andrew Pratt
Hymn: This day we remember the passage to freedom Proper 18 Year A Exodus 12: 1 – 14 This day we remember the passage to freedom, the Exodus journey, redemption at hand the Passover meal we recall at this season, the sign of God's faithfulness brought to the land. This day we rem
This is the only earth we know
This is the only earth we know
by Andrew Pratt
Hymn: This is the only earth we know Proper 20 Year A Philippians 1: 21 – 30 This is the only earth we know, all else is speculation, and though our visions lead us on, this is the time for action. Within the company of friends and those ranked round about us, is where we share t
We cannot judge another's way
We cannot judge another's way
by Andrew Pratt
Hymn: We cannot judge another's way Proper 11 year A Matthew 13:24-30, 36-43 We cannot judge another's way, however clear our view might be, we do not have the eyes of God, we do not have the sight to see. We look at those who stand around, what brought them to this time and plac
We gather in this holy space
We gather in this holy space
by Andrew Pratt
We gather in this holy space. We pray in penitence and awe. Your spirit moves within this place, we bow, as we have done before. Your law is written on each heart, your love will penetrate each soul, you bring through music, thought and art a covenant to make us whole. Verses 3-4
What happened to the covenant
What happened to the covenant
by Andrew Pratt
What happened to the covenant, the rainbow in the sky, that signed an end to flood and storm? Still people stand and cry. The floods still come, the waters rage, while homes are swept away, the covenant, of which God spoke, seems of another day. Verses 3-5 follow © Andrew Pratt
When Moses uttered, ones who heard
When Moses uttered, ones who heard
by Andrew Pratt
When Moses uttered, ones who heard assumed he spoke for them, for now, not for some future time or place still wanting of a Saviour's grace. And yet those words would resonate beyond that early utterance, would still have force in later years to speak to latent needs and fears. V
When roots grow deep and branches rise
When roots grow deep and branches rise
by Andrew Pratt
When roots grow deep and branches rise they mirror faith secure in grace. And from this ground thanksgiving grows beyond this time, in every place. Verses 2 follows Tune: BRESLAU Metre: LM Andrew Pratt (born 1948) Words © 12/7/2013 Stainer & Bell Ltd, London, England, www.stain
Times and Seasons - Where can a sense of grace be found
Times and Seasons - Where can a sense of grace be found
by Andrew Pratt
Where can a sense of grace be found? Where is God's song of love to sound? We need to hear that we are safe when words of criticism chafe. Verse 2 follows Tune: RIVAULX Andrew Pratt (born 1948) Words © 19/2/2014 Stainer & Bell Ltd, London, England, Please in
See the veins that run through marble
See the veins that run through marble
by Andrew Pratt
Hymn: See the veins that run through marble Proper 16 year A Isaiah 51: 1 – 6 See the veins that run through marble, making every slab unique, like them, strands run through our history, through our thoughts and words we speak. We are hewn from living history, formed by comfort,
Times and Seasons - So easy now to judge – original sin?
Times and Seasons - So easy now to judge – original sin?
by Andrew Pratt
So easy now to judge – original sin? So easy now to judge: that one was right, another wrong. But we were never there in the narrow trench or corridor of power. We never heard the thunder’s fire, nor found ourselves strung up upon the wire. We never had to make that bleak decisio
Sometimes, O God, our weariness
Sometimes, O God, our weariness
by Andrew Pratt
Sometimes, O God, our weariness and pressure on our time can undermine our prayerfulness, our thoughts of the divine. We thirst and long to know your love, to hear your present voice, that in this void, this emptiness, we might, again rejoice. Verse 3 follows Tune: BELMONT Metre:
Such a scandal, Cyrus chosen
Such a scandal, Cyrus chosen
by Andrew Pratt
Hymn: Such a scandal, Cyrus chosen Proper 24 year A Isaiah 45: 1 – 7 Such a scandal, Cyrus chosen, could he set God's people free? God's anointed they would call him; source of grace and liberty? Who would choose the chief oppressor, tyrant who'd repress and kill, giving him the
The shepherd mind had open eyes